Walnuts are not all the same only the best become "Noce d’Oro". "Noce d’Oro" is harvested only when naturally ripe, when Nature decides that the time is right.
"Noce d’ Oro" is washed only with water respecting the environment and not altering the taste and beneficial properties. "Noce d’Oro" does not contain chemical residues (Residue Zero*). *Residues of pesticides below the limit of analytical detectability (RMA < 0.01 ppm).
"Noce d'Oro", thanks to an exclusive and slow drying process, keeps intact its nutritional characteristics and its much appreciated sweet taste. In 2002 Il Noceto obtained the certification of the ISO 9001 Quality System, and since 2008 our “Noce d’Oro” is certified for supply chain traceability.
Our companies have been producing the famous "Noce d'Oro" for over 25 years, following a centuries-old tradition and using methods respectful of nature.
"Noce d'Oro" is produced according to the Veneto Region Regulations of Integrated Production QV (Verified Quality), and certified DTP17 Biodiversity Alliance.
That is, with agricultural techniques able to respect the environment and biodiversity, as required in the inspiring principles of Sustainable Agriculture.